Sports massage is a type of manual therapy that is frequently used to help alleviate stress and tension within the body's soft tissues (muscles, ligaments and connective tissue). It tends to be a deeper and more intense form of massage therapy and is regularly used by osteopaths and manual therapists within an individuals treatment process. Practitioners will often incorporate a combination of techniques including; stretching, compression, friction, active release therapy (ART), neuromuscular techniques (NMT) and trigger point release (TPR).
Sports massage therapy is not solely for athletes and is commonly used to help individuals working in physically demanding jobs, and those who regularly experience occupational, emotional and postural stress within the workplace.
As a part of your sports massage, your practitioner will take a detailed case history and complete a thorough clinical examination before your treatment. If a sports massage is not suitable for your injury or condition, the practitioner will advise you on an alternative form of therapy.
Sports massage is most commonly used to help reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscle tension, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain and promote overall health and wellbeing.
It can also play an integral part in ensuring an athlete reaches their optimum performance by assisting in maintaining or improving joint range of motion and muscle flexibility.

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